13 September 2010



One of the final football games played at Kallang, June 2007
After the Second World War (late 40s), Singapore as a developing nation crucially needed a respectable sports stadium for national and international events.

Possible sites were carefully determined and pre-selected during the 1950s. One of the popular choices was Kallang Park as it was situated as an existing sports facilities in the immediate vicinity.

In August 1965, planning on the preliminary design of the stadium had began. By the end of that same year, considerable progress could be seen. Then, Minister Othman Wok officially announced the Government's intention to proceed with the construction of a National Stadium of Olympic standard at Kallang as the first phase of the National Sports Complex. The Minister told Parliament that the National Stadium would give a tremendous boost to the promotion of sports in the country and would help improve the Republic's image in international sports.